Although March, 2020 marked a total close down due to COVID19 pandemic in Uganda, it was a brain storming session at Ecolife Foods. We participated in Siemens Design Challenge, and won! We were announced in a virtual awards ceremony on September, 15th 2020;
Core product offering and its value proposition
Ecolife Foods Uganda was founded in 2015, to be a leading research, innovation and empowerment social enterprise in Uganda. Our approach encourages creative capacity building for rural development - i.e. we don't just focus on a single intervention in a community but we design sustainable technologies to better agriculture while creating employment opportunities for communities in Uganda.

Ecolife's core product offerings
Ecolife's core product offerings following the Zero hunger project will be community-integrated cold storage technologies and models plus rural agribusiness solutions, as well as farm inputs and skills development (capacity building).
The innovative technology and business model will deliver targeted economic development through the cold value chain, and community ownership. It will result in increased economic productivity of the community by lowering the post-harvest losses.
Why Community co-design?
Community co-design, ownership and operation increase community acceptance adoption and long-term sustainability. This serves to make communities and businesses more resilient to socioeconomic shocks, including -- for example -- natural disasters or a global disease pandemic.

Intervention Areas
